Three Sheets To The Mead
Yarrrrrrr har har, me still doin’ the drivelswigger swagger after celebratin’ Talk Like A Pirate Day yesterday, yar har har! (does peg-legged pirouette) Yar, if yeh mateys have any pirate day experiences or pirate songs yeh all like to share, please, do make the course good and share, yeh know all it takes is a good song and a bottle of mead to make me lilly-livered, yo ho ho!
Arrrrr, the origin of this fine day dates back to June 6, 1995, when two fine chumbuckets, who would later become known as John “Ol’ Chumbucket” Baur and Mark “Cap’n Slappy” Summers, were playing racquetball, and as they continued to get more into the game, they began shouting friendly slogans out to each other, until all a sudden, yarrrrr, pirate lingo began infesting the repartee, and before they knew it, they kept shouting pirate bilge and found it made the game more fun and engaging, yo-ho-ho!
Avast, it was at that moment they had recognized their destiny, and decided it was time to have Talk Like A Pirate Day. So Cap’N Slappy decided that September 19th, his ex-wife’s birthday, be the very day this cultural phenomenon would lay anchor, and after seven years of slow momentum building, national syndicated comedian Dave Barry promoted the day and has become the clap of thunder it is today, yarrrrrr har har!
Yarrrrrr, you can learn more about this fine holiday here:

Yarrrrrr, so I strapped on the patch yesterday by swaggerin’ to the crow’s nest which is KBOO’s Pledge Central, and promoting their current pledge drive by pitchin’ pirate as Commodore Communidad, yo-ho-ho! I just let Jack O’ Cups Stacey lead the way and pitch the main points, then hopped aboard and pitched a few sessions in pirate, which went a little something like this, yo-ho-ho!
“Yarrrrr, I’m Commodore Communidad, with me lassie Stacey, and we’d like all yeh lilly livered land lubbers to make yer pledge now at 503-232-8818, or if yer outside the City of Roses, it’s toll-free here, yar har har! Aye, that Uncle Mort is one fine chumbucket, as are all the almost 500 hearties who keep the fine vessel that is KBOO stridin’ on an even keel! Yar har har, aren’t you tired of all those cable news messdeck lawyers and scallywags who plunder the truth and scuttle the ship of community? Yar, here at KBOO, we don’t hornswaggle, we represent all yeh mateys, not the corporate freebooters, you are what keeps KBOO being three sheets to the wind, so what’d you say you keep being the wind in our sails, yar har har, 503-232-8818!”
Yar har har, anything to help bring unity to community, ha ha ha! (does the doubloon bumboo) Yarrrrr, I don’t know what I’m doin’ now, me thinks me need to take a caulk now, yo ho ho!
Arrrrrr, jus one last word of advice to yeh all; those pirate pick-up lines just won’t cut it, mate! So if you hope to win a lassie over with “Avast, me proud beauty! Wanna know why my Roger is so Jolly?”, most likely prepare to get blown offboard, yar-har-har!
Yarrrrrr, now off to the crow’s nest I go, high, wide and handsome, yar har har, har har!

Noah Eaton
(Mistletoe Angel)
(Emmanuel Endorphin)
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