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Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Three Humble Shoemakers Can't Be Wrong.......Or Could They? Nuh-Uh, They Can't!

Just reading up on my horoscope for today here, which had this to say to dear Scorpio:

"Don't take anything or anyone for granted. Someone you really like may get the wrong impression. Get involved in activities that will help you grow. Changes will be to your benefit."

(giggles) There are multiple things I'd love to start getting into as soon as possible; 1) learn how to surf, 2) get back in the drama department and 3) possibly take part in a college badminton team or something of that sort. :) With my master degree in synchronized jazz hand jujitsu, my spontaneous do-si-do is bound to make my claim to the throne of the odd service court indisputable! Indisputable I tells you, for I am not just the grab bag of happy dances, I am also the kingfish of katas, who can kanku-dai every frown silly! (giggles)

My Chinese proverb was also provided to me today, which reads: "Three humble shoemakers brainstorming will make a great statesman."

(giggles) Well, him that makes shows go barefoot themselves, and you know how scantily-clad as possible I like my feet to be, wearing old Teva sandals with my Scorpio sign etched on them with my heels sticking out of their straps, but...yeah, I guess I can see what they mean here. Traction must go where traction is due, and when we all think of the concept, we're bound not to get those nasty blisters! :) Does anyone know Dr. Scholl's roommates, I imagine to him, all insoles lead to Rome! :)

Hey, I just had the creepiest thought just now, imagining if it wasn't religion being blended with politics, but astrology mixed with politics! Dun-dun-dunnnnnn! I mean, seriously, I'm glad our political system hasn't went that way yet, for if astrology seeped into the tapwater of politics, I would always be getting myself into trouble with the spin machine being the black sheep sign I breathe under! LOL! But I just did some research on presidents and their astrological signs and discovered something fascinating indeed; Scorpio is tied with Aquarius as the most popular zodiac sign president choice ever at 5 (the five Scorpio presidents in our nation's history are John Adams, James K. Polk, James A. Garfield, Theodore Roosevelt and Warren G. Harding). Wow, they must have had hypnotizing eyes! LOL! Wow, it's been almost 200 years since we've gotten an Aries in office, c'mon, share the wealth, y'all! LOL!

Hey, I've learned today that according to a forthcoming Penguin publication titled "The Pig and I: Why It's So Easy to Love an Animal, and So Hard to Live with a Man", pets are a better medicine when it comes to maintaining a relationship than Dr. Phil! Who knew? LOL! Then again, who knew that "Shape Up!" would shape down your wallet size also? LOL! Author Rachel Toor says that when couples share a pet, they become closer and see their own faults in their animals. She claims once she shared her pet pig with an ex-boyfriend and said she began to see her own personality traits reflected in the pig, which she cites as selfishness, lack of tolerance and bullheadedness. She said although she didn't recognize her own pitfalls in time to save the relationship, she plans on using what she now knows about herself for future relationships, and hopes just as with pets, in that we have to accept them because we cannot change who they are, "it should work the same way with humans."

Hey, y'know, I don't find that surprising at all. After all, Sealy mattresses don't lie, which a new survey has found that 67% of Americans polled regularly bed down with their cats and dogs (many add their furry friends are better bed partners than the human variety.) In fact, 51 percent say their sleep is disturbed by their partner, compared to 38 percent who claim their pooches and pussycats wake them up constantly. (giggles) I don't know about you, but my little sister's hermit crab Little Dipper gives me that home sweet home feeling and literally seduces me to sleep with its stridulation symphony! :)

Did you also hear today about a village council in eastern India fining two brothers (Iswar and Haripada Murmu, of Akshaypur in West Bengal) for keeping a pet ghost? They're being accused of owning a ghost after one of their wives died, which an exorcist has claimed is "responsible for a recent outbreak of disease in the locality". They say now the brothers had to mortgage their agricultural land to raise the money, and risk losing everything unless they can pay the money back within two months. I swear, ghosts make wonderful pets. OK, maybe the ones that inhabit the Borley Rectory and Drury Lane Theatres are a bit outlandish, but studies have shown ghosts, especially Casper, lower blood pressure and when touched have said to make white blood cells appear "miraculously onyx-like".

:) Yep, we can't take anything for granted, it's amazing what you can learn from the most kooky, aberrant of life's outlets! :) After all, a lot of statesmen have been remembered for their quirks and sense of humor, eh.....ehhhhhh?

Wonder if they wore their shoes or sandals with their heels sticking out of their straps? Until we know the answer, shoemakers, we salute you! L'chaim!

Noah Eaton
(Mistletoe Angel)
(Emmanuel Endorphin)


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