Tilapia Pisces Takes The Gold!
Who said you can't be talented enough to run and smile at the same time, Emil Zatopek? :) Take a cue from our South African athlete, Carcharodon carcharias, a.k.a the Great White Shark, who officially made world history today by becoming the first individual fish that has been found to go across an entire ocean and come back to the same spot, in one of the fastest long-distance speeds for any ocean animal.
In November of 2003, researchers chased a female great white named Nicole with a pop-off satellite transmitter off the coast of South Africa, and voila, after more than 6,800 miles and 99 days later, the tag popped off near Western Australia and transmitted data on her journey, including her path and the depth and temperature of the waters she swam in. Then, *****SURPRISE!!!*****; about six months after she arrived in Australia, researchers photographed the shark, nicknamed Nicole, back in South Africa.
Why would our friend Nicole make such a long trip, you ask? Scientists are pointing to two likely theories, food and sex. The latter seems to be the favorite belief because the shark's arrival in Australia coincided with what scientists believe to be mating season in the region. However, with questions still lingering about the theory, especially the fact that she wasn't able to reproduce when she got to Australia, the impulse behind the journey remains a mystery. Maybe she was born in Australia and has a keen sense of direction of where home is?
So I would like to declare congratulations, felicitations and underwater whistling salutes to you, Nicole! You deserve it! :)
Say, how's the DCDCVI Oceanic Olympiad been going, by the way, lil' whipfin silverbilly? I see the Cross Country Camouflage is certain to be a challenge of epic proportions! Stonefish is said to be the stoic seigneur of the ocean floor, but the mackarel always has a few tricks up his scales! Also said to be a fan favorite is the Lagoon Smoochedee-Smooch. Can the Kissing Gouramis defend their seventeen milennia-long title against Minstrel Sweetlip and the Rummy-Nosed Tetra? :) History will decide these fine games as always, and may the best fins win! :)
(giggles) Nothing like the natural hootchy-kootchy motion to a goldfish, nope, even the great belly dancer Tahia Carioca can't quite match the honesty of her motion! :)
Keep tellin' it like a cichlid, all you fish lips! :)
Noah Eaton
(Mistletoe Angel)
(Emmanuel Endorphin)
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